Barbara Premoli

Barbara Premoli (Milan, 10 November 1970) is an Economy and Commerce graduate of the Catholic University of Milan. She is a member of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Auditors of Milan, and is on the Register of Statutory Auditors. She began her professional career in 1995 at Studio Rocco, becoming a partner in 2004. Over the years she has dealt with restructuring operations by Italian and foreign groups, M&A, support for companies involved in extraordinary financial operations, and has consolidated this experience with corporate and tax consultancy and the preparation of financial statements. She is specialised in corporate control and supervision, as well as the many facets of statutory auditing. She is a statutory auditor for leading national and international companies and foundations.
Since 2021 she has been the chair of the boards of statutory auditors of Intermonte SIM and the Issuer.